20 Dec 2018 - 21 Feb 2019
10am - 7pm (Sat 11am - 5pm, Closed on Sun)
Sol Luminaire, 395 Guillemard Road Singapore 399791
Unseen Art Initiatives is excited to partner with Sol Luminaire to present a fresh take on our recent exhibition, Strangers.
The exhibition will take place at 395 Guillemard Road from 20 December 2018 - 21 Feb 2019 and will showcase artworks by participants living with visual-impairment under the Unseen Art Workshops program.
This collaboration with Unseen Art Initiatives is the very first of its kind between a local lighting house and an inclusive art platform in Singapore. For a period of three months, the lighting showroom will transform into an art gallery space for a differentiated showroom-gallery experience and is open to members of the public.
Exhibited artworks include charcoal paintings, cyanotype prints and plaster of Paris pieces by the participants at speciality workshops helmed by contemporary art artists Alecia Neo, Kok Choon Choo, Samantha Mintio and Victor Tan Wee Tar.
The artworks were first exhibited and supported by The Best Of You Movement and The National Arts Council in 2018.
Organiser: Unseen Art Initiatives
With the Support of: Julie’s Biscuit, The Best Of You Movement, National Arts Council
Workshop Partners: Singapore Association for the Visually-Handicapped (SAVH), Guide Dogs Singapore, A Good Space, *CoCreation Workshop
Presenting Partner: Sol Luminaire