Strangers (2018)
Strangers brings together a range of artworks and stories about encountering oneself and others. Each work reveals each individual's unique explorations of self-representation and sensory perceptions, illustrating an intimate conversation between the artist, material and others.
The exhibition at Bedok Library, in collaboration with the Best of You Movement, chronicles varying paths taken by each artist via lines, edges, textures, light, weight, voices and sounds; Their artworks reveal their joys, confusions and surprises of visualising and contemplating oneself and the self’s position in our world. Apart from the presentation of artworks, we conducted a series of story-telling tours, public art workshops and co-hosted a Human Library session, where members of the public learned more about how disabled artists can develop a professional art practice.
Unseen Art Workshops
Unseen Art Workshops is an experimental lab where professional artists introduce diverse art forms and expressions to different groups of people to encourage exchanges of ideas through art-making, while discovering new knowledge and methods for accessibility. The exhibition, “Strangers”, presents the artworks created by 59 participants over the course of 4 distinct workshops which focuses on the theme of self-identity.
This year, we hosted members from the following organisations: Singapore Association for the Visually Handicapped (SAVH), Guide Dogs Association of the Blind Singapore and students from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School. 3 of the 5 lead artists in the programme live with visual-impairment.